With the help of the given passage,
find out the information from the map given below and write the answer of any Four Points.
Answer :
1) Indus and her tributories = Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutluj, Beas,
2) West flowing river in central india is = Narmada and Tapti
3) Mountain ranges lying between these rivers = Satpura ranges
4) River originate from mansarovar - Brahmaputra
5) Brackish lakre fromed due to meterorite in maharastra - Lonar lake
coIn Jammu and Kashmir, river Indus and her tributaries flow parallel
each other. Two large rivers flowing through the middle part of India
west-flowing rivers. Mountain ranges lying between these rivers are in the
mid-part of India. A river originating in Mansarovar in Tibet flows et
through China and enters India from east and drains in Bay of Bengal in the
end. Brackish lake formed due to meteorite fall is located in Maharashtra
The archipelagos located to the east and west of India are part of India