With which reference, the motion of a body is configured
major reference
vector mathematicsIn mechanics: Relative motion
A collision between two bodies can always be described in a frame of reference in which the total momentum is zero. This is the centre-of-mass (or centre-of-momentum) frame mentioned earlier. Then, for example, in the collision between two bodies of the same mass…
significance in motion
In motion
All motions are relative to some frame of reference. Saying that a body is at rest, which means that it is not in motion, merely means that it is being described with respect to a frame of reference that is moving together with the body.
wind on Uranus
Two views of the southern hemisphere of Uranus, produced from images obtained by Voyager 2 on Jan. 17, 1986. In colours visible to the unaided human eye, Uranus is a bland, nearly featureless sphere (left). In a colour-enhanced view processed to bring out low-contrast details, Uranus shows the banded cloud structure common to the four giant planets (right). From the polar perspective of Voyager at the time, the bands appear concentric around the planet's rotational axis, which is pointing nearly toward the Sun. Small ring-shaped features in the right image are artifacts arising from dust in the spacecraft's camera.In Uranus: The atmosphere
…the motion of the atmosphere relative to the rotating planet. At high latitudes on Uranus, this relative motion is in the direction of the planet’s rotation. At equatorial latitudes the relative motion is in the opposite direction. Uranus is like Earth in this regard.