without actual division state whether 25/32 is terminating,non terminating, repeating decimal
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terminating decimal expansion
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25/32 is a Terminating decimal number .
Step-by-step explanation:
- A terminating decimal, true to its name, is a decimal that has an end. For example, 1 / 4 can be expressed as a terminating decimal: It is 0.25. In contrast, 1 / 3 cannot be expressed as a terminating decimal, because it is a recurring decimal, one that goes on forever. In other words, as a decimal 1/3 is 0.33333….
- Non-terminating decimals are the one that does not have an end term. It has an infinite number of terms. Example: 0.5444444….., 0.1111111….., etc
- A repeating decimal or recurring decimal is decimal representation of a number whose digits are periodic and the infinitely repeated portion is not zero. It can be shown that a number is rational if and only if its decimal representation is repeating or terminating.
25/32 can be written as
25/32 can be written as =25/2×2×2×2×2.
25/32 can be written as =25/2×2×2×2×2.=25/2⁵
If the denominator has prime factors as 2 or 5 then we can consider the rational number as a terminating Decimal
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