Without actually division,check whether 47/14 has terminating or Non-terminating decimal representation.
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Sol : Well 47/14 has non-terminating decimal representation.
Explanation : 47 / 14 = 47 / ( 2 x 7 ).
Since its denominator is having 7 as a factor more than 2 and 5.For any number to have a terminating decimal representation,its denominator should be in the form of 2^m x 5^n.But here its denominator is in the form of 2^m x 5^n x 7^o.So, it has non-terminating decimal representation.
Explanation : 47 / 14 = 47 / ( 2 x 7 ).
Since its denominator is having 7 as a factor more than 2 and 5.For any number to have a terminating decimal representation,its denominator should be in the form of 2^m x 5^n.But here its denominator is in the form of 2^m x 5^n x 7^o.So, it has non-terminating decimal representation.
Thanks Sashikala
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Hope it's help u it's short answer

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