Women are not allowed to go to work . debet
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Yes, Women should work!
Of course women should work. Women don’t just take care of children if they are part of a family, They have a meaning. They should be able to have every right a man has none of us are more important than any other person. We should all be equal. Women were always discriminated against men, And people thought less of women. When women work outside the home they help society and contribute to their family. Women should be able to work to help their family in numerous ways. Getting used to one person doing all the work around the house makes it harder for your partner to learn how to do things on his/hers own. Women need to work to provide for their family’s and shouldn’t always be at home with the kids.
Women must go to work
Think of a world without women labour, The world will be probably in a financial crisis. Women are also human with a flesh so they must have a right to work. Think of a society without Marie Curie, Sirimavo Bandaranaike the world will be still primitive. So its our duty to give the oppurtunity
Both men and women have an equal amount of responsibility in raising their children. When women work, They actively contribute to society and contribute to the family financially. If a woman chooses not to have kids (which is her choice) that is HER BODY, And you cannot tell her what to do with it. You can not OPPRESS people on gender -- this is stereotyping and the reason many people cannot achieve what they are capable of achieving. MANY of the GREATEST scientists are women.
Imagine your life right now if Rosaline Franklin did not discover the backbone of DNA, Or Madam Curie, Who found and synthesized organic compounds that are now the fundamentals of chemistry. If they had not gone out to work, It is fair to say that society would not be as developed as we are today. Women's purpose is not to have children -- that is a choice, And even so, A man should be equally responsible. Oh, One other thing: men being the "breadwinners" is an idea propagated and supported by men to oppress women. A well-educated, Working woman is one that can contribute to society in meaningful ways to her life -- she is not subject to anyone (female or male). Please remember, She is a human and therefore should be granted HUMAN RIGHTS. . . You cannot tell her what she can or cannot do, Because if you stop her, You are stopping her from achieving her greatest capabilities -- which may even be revolutionizing the world
Women have always had less choices in life when it came to many things. At some point women had no voting rights, women couldn’t work, and they were expected to stay home and take care of children for many years. Women have just started having independent lives and many people still do not believe it is right. A blog entry online called “Married Women Should Not Work”, established several points as to why women are better off staying home while their husbands work. This article was written by a woman who states she is anti-feminist. It has always been in our history that women are meant to stay home and take care of the children and the household, just because it has always been that way does not mean it should stay that way. I can see why people feel that life should stay this way. A life where women stay at home all day doing house chores, look after children, cook dinner for their husbands, and repeat the next day. It is difficult to change how life has always been set, as a result many people today still strongly oppose women working,…