English, asked by arsalaan80, 9 months ago

word register of parliament​


Answered by Itzkrushika156



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absolute majority - More than half the total votes of all those eligible to vote; in a house of Parliament, one more than half the votes of the total number of members of the house, whether they are present or not, as opposed to a simple majority

accountable - able to be called on to explain ones actions. Ministers are accountable to Parliament for actions they take while in office

Act (of Parliament) - a law made by Parliament; a bill which has passed all three readings in each house and has received the certificate of the speaker. Note, an Act of Parliament may also be call a law, a statute or a piece of legislation

adjourn - to put off, postpone or defer

adjournment debate - a debate usually at the end of each sitting day of a house when members make speeches about any subject on the motion to end the sitting

appropriation bill - a bill which, when passed by Parliament, will allow the government to spend public revenue from the Treasury Fund

ayes - the collective vote of members in a house of Parliament who support a proposal


bicameral - having two chambers or houses, especially of a law-making body (such as the Australian Federal Parliament, which has a lower house - the House of Representatives - and an upper House - the Senate. See also unicameral.

bill - a proposal for a new law which has been presented to Parliament

budget - a plan placed before Parliament each year showing what money the government expects to receive (revenue) and how the government wants to spend it (expenditure)

by leave - with the permission of every member present in the chamber

by-election - a special election held to fill the seat of a Member of the House of Representatives who has died, resigned or vacated his seat


cabinet - the group of ministers appointed by the President

cabinet solidarity - a commitment by individual cabinet ministers to the position adopted by the majority of cabinet

casting vote - a vote exercised by the Speaker or certain committee chairs only when the votes for and against a proposal are equal

caucus - Members of parliament who are in Cabinet or who support government

Chair -

the seat in which the presiding member sits in the chamber

the member presiding in the chamber or in a committee

chamber - the room in which sittings of Parliament are held

clause - a numbered provision in a bill. Once a bill becomes an Act, a clause is known as a section.

Clerk - the senior permanent official of Parliament who advises on procedure and records the decisions of the house, and is the administrative head of the Parliament Secretariat

Clerk's certificate - the statement signed by the Clerk of a house to state that a bill has been by Parliament; every bill must have a final Clerks certificate before it is presented to the Speaker for his certificate

committee of the whole - a committee consisting of all the members of the Houseusually formed to consider a bill in detail.

committee, parliamentary (see parliamentary committee)

common law - law based on custom or court decisions, as distinct from statute law

confidence - the support of more than half the members on the floor of the

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