English, asked by Pralabh515, 1 year ago

Word which means roaming in streets of paris flaneur


Answered by Gardenheart65

A flaneur (female flaneuse) is defined as one who strolls aimlessly.  A loafer, a dawdler, a purposeless drifter.  Born in 19th Century Paris, the notion of the flaneur was inextricably linked to industrialisation and the emergence of the urban landscape.  This landscape is the flaneur’s hood.  Living off unknown means they roam the dense city streets in a sort of luxurious idleness, disposing of their disposable time in a vacuous way.

If you ask me, this view of the flaneur is rather negative.  It’s a shame, because if you look beyond the dictionary definition you find a wealth of philosophical and sociological writing which pushes the notion of the flaneur to get to the heart of this occupation which, it turns out, is far more than it first appears.

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