write 10 sentences about any animal living in the cold region
Average Weight: 32 to 70kg (70-155 lbs)
Average Length: 100 to 180 cm long (3.2-5.9 feet).
Breeding Pattern: As with other kinds of wolves, only the top ranking alpha and beta females in a pack will be allowed to mate and reproduce. This ensures that possibly scarce food resources at the critical time will not be spread too thinly across too many pups which could lead to the death of all or many of them, up to twelve pups are born at a time.
Arctic wolves may give birth in a den dug into the ground or snow where this is possible, though it is not always the case if the ground is frozen too hard. Ready-made dens in rocks, caves or those dug in previous years by other wolves will also be used.
Estimated world population: - 200,000.
Diet and feeding: A wide variety of food sources, the majority is of large herbivores such as moose, caribou, deer, elk, etc. Also smaller prey animals are eaten along with livestock, carrion, and garbage, arctic wolves are opportunistic as are many predators.
Conservation status: Least Concern.
Distribution: North America and Greenland but not extending into mainland Europe or Asia.