write 100 main verbs with its meaning and make sentences using them
Sanction: They will not sanction copying without permission.
Satisfy: He satisfied his thirst with a large glass of beer.
Say: No one says that.
Scrub: Tom asked Mary to scrub the toilet.
See: Do you see that bird?
Seem: I always seem to be unlucky at cards.
Sell: I can’t sell you that.
Send: They’re sending help.
Serve: They serve good nosh in the cafeteria.
Set: I’m going to set the table.
Settle: The problem is not settled yet.
Sew: Mary is sewing baby clothes.
Shake: They shook hands when they met at the airport.
Shall: Shall I add your name to the list?
Shed: She tried not to shed a tear.
Shine: Susan shined your father’s shoes.
Shoot: I’ll shoot both of you.
Should: The university should provide more sports facilities.
Show: I’ll show you later.
Shrink: My jeans shrank after I washed them.
Shut: I shut my eyes again.
Sing: Tom loves to sing.
Sink: A ship sank near here yesterday.
Sit: Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you.
Ski: I like skiing very much.
Sleep: I slept too much.
Slice: It’s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle.
Slide: He slid the money into my pocket.
Slip: She slipped into her clothes.
Smell: Something smells bad. What is this?
Snore: Tom snored loudly with his mouth open.
Solve: He solved the difficult problem.
Sow: Farmers sow seeds in the spring.
Speak: He speaks English.
Specify: Tom didn’t specify how many pencils to buy.
Spell: I don’t know how to spell the word.
Spend: I spent some time in Boston.
Spill: I’m afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.
Spit: I can’t put up with the way he spits.
Spread: He spread some strawberry jam on his toast.
Squat: Tom squatted down next to his dog.
Stack: They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.
Stand: Can you stand up?
Start: He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.
Steal: My watch was stolen.
Stick: He stuck to his job.
Sting: I was stung by a bee.
Stink: It stinks in here.
Stir: She stirred the soup with a spoon.
Stop: I hoped he would stop asking awkward questions.
Stretch: Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up.
Strike: Tom struck the wall with his fist.
Struggle: He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.
Study: She studies hard.
Submit: I submitted the application myself.
Succeed: He’ll succeed for sure.
Suffer: We suffered a pretty big loss.
Suggest: Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.
Supply: I supplied Tom with everything he needed.
Suppose: I suppose you’re hungry.
Surprise: She surprised him when she arrived early.
Survive: He survived the plane crash.
Swear: Do you swear to tell the whole truth?
Sweep: I will sweep out my room.
Swell: The river swelled rapidly because of the heavy rain.
Swim: She swims well.
Swing: The lamp was swinging back and forth.
Take: I took a walk.
Talk: Tom talked a lot.
Taste: The soup tastes salty.
Teach: I’ll teach you how to swim.
Tear: I tore the picture out of the album.
Tell: I told him to come.
Tend: She tends to be late for school.
Think: I think that Mr. Peter is a good teacher.
Threaten: They threatened to ban the book.
Throw: I threw away my shoes.
Tiptoe: Tom quietly tiptoed out of the room.
Tolerate: We don’t tolerate smoking in the library.
Translate: He translated the verse into English.
Try: We tried to confuse the enemy.
Understand: I knew you’d understand.
Vacuum: Tom vacuumed his bedroom.
Value: We value our customers.
Vary: The boxes vary in size from small to large.
Volunteer: They volunteer to teach introductory courses.
Wait: I can’t wait to see you.
Wake: I have to wake Tom up.
Walk: Don’t try to walk before you can crawl.
Want: I want to watch TV.
Warn: We’ve got to warn Tom.
Wash: Tom washed his hands.
Watch: We watched a movie.
Wave: She waved her hand to me.
Wear: Tom wore black pants.
Weep: She wept over her child’s death.
Weigh: The suitcase weighs 20 pounds.
Whip: She whipped out her pistol.
Will: I don’t think Emma will get the job.
Win: I can win this time.
Wish: I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.
Would: If I lived on an island, I would know how to swim.
Write: Write it down on a piece of paper.