English, asked by ksshravanthi, 6 months ago

write 12 tenses
with examples , types of tenses


Answered by arhinfulmaxwell


Simple Tenses

1.Present Simple

"I play tennis."

2. Past Simple

"I played tennis."

3. Future Simple

"I will play tennis."

4. Present Perfect

"I have played tennis."

5. Past Perfect

"I had played tennis."

6. Future Perfect

"I will have played tennis."

8. Present Continuous

"I am playing tennis."

9. Past Continuous

"I was playing tennis."

10. Future Continuous

"I will be playing tennis."

11. Present Perfect Continuous

"I have been playing tennis."

12. Past Perfect Continuous

"I had been playing tennis."

13. Future Perfect Continuous

"I will have been playing tennis.


The following are 13 type of tenses

Answered by daniyashahid99


12 types of tenses are:

  1. present simple
  2. present continuous
  3. present perfect
  4. present perfect continuous
  5. past simple
  6. past continuous
  7. past perfect
  8. past perfect continuous
  9. future simple
  10. future continuous
  11. future perfect
  12. future perfect continuous


Tenses: it is a category of English grammar which is used to refer the time of any action

  • Present Simple

Example - She has a doll.

  • Present Continuous

Example - They are playing soccer now.

  • Present Perfect

Example - She has been there.

  • Present Perfect Continuous

Example - They have been living there.

  • Past Simple

Example - He lived in Chicago.

  • Past Continuous

Example - She was dancing.

  • Past perfect

Example - They had worked.

  • Past Perfect Continuous

Example - He had been singing.

  • Future Simple

Example - They will go.

  • Future Continuous

Example - She will be playing piano.

  • Future Perfect

Example - She will have cleaned her desk before they come back.

  • Future Perfect Continuous

Example - They will have been starting.

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