English, asked by Vqnillah, 2 months ago

Write a 300 word personal narrative using the following prompt.

Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Talk about a mistake you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned.


Answered by MissWorld33


As we go through this life we have, we must accept and realize that nobody is perfect in the world, and human nature makes all kinds of mistakes. I believe that when people make mistakes, its really important to never repeat it again and learn from the first time. We make mistakes on tests, we make mistakes on choosing our better half who ends up to be the total opposite of who you had known from before, we make mistakes on our work, in our homes, in choosing friends who are really not that great to be around with and hanging out with the wrong crowds. These can all be corrected when we make the right choices in life and when we are selective and very careful about associating with types of people there are in the world. Making mistakes is part of human nature, but we must also realize to prevent from the same things to happen again.

If at first you don’t succeed, and when you make a mistake in a test, or in an assignment, the willingness to re-do and try it again is totally up to you, but I would take it. If this happens to you, go up to the teacher, professor and have a civilized conversation with him/her and explain honestly on what happened and see if you can redo an assignment and hand it in. I know sometimes some teachers give an assignment or test and you cannot redo it again, but it never hurts to ask the teacher for a re-test or something and apologize to the teacher and say, I could have done better, I could have excelled more in making the grade and apologize for it. I am certain that when your sincere and you admit that you did not study hard enough and you did many mistakes on a test and when you come clean about it and re-study for it, you mark my words, the teacher will be pleasant and he/she will accept and give you a re-test. Honesty is the best policy and the teacher or professor will appreciate you for it.

Mistakes is something that a lot of people do not admit in doing and there is really no shame in doing mistakes because everybody does it. It is hard to admit our mistakes and we try to hide it as much as we can, but it comes out no matter what happens. Do not worry about it so much, but worry about it if its been done more than once or twice. In Order to succeed, go forward and excel in life, we have to make mistakes in order to do better things in the long run and in order to progress well. If we ourselves do not make mistakes, then how will we ever know to do the right thing? I know the solution. Always analyze and think about your actions and words before you say and do them. Do your best to not make the same mistake twice and it does not hurt to ask for guidance and assistance with things. Not asking for help and making mistakes is a mistake in itself. There is no shame in it.

I know a lot of us are proud and want to do things on our own without help, without asking, without coming clean about it, but that really is not a great way to deal with it. There are many websites out there with so much information, there are people who can help us, make a phone call, send an e-mail when curiosity strikes, when you want to know how to do something, make something or get something done. There really is no shame in asking. It is a shame if you do not. Helping each other out and doing things together is very important. I know a lot of people are independent and do everything on their own and have never asked for help in anything, but one day we may need that help.

So try not to make mistakes, but make mistakes to learn and get ahead. Nobody achieves greatness without it.

Answered by keerthanakrishna59

So far I have a general idea: I want the lesson to be loyalty and truth and I want the effect to be that the character would learn to appreciate and stay true to everything. I have a really idea, but it will work for this exam.

This protag.'s mother lied a lot, and lied more to cover up other lies. Does anyone have suggestions on 1-2 specific examples(that aren't too cliche like cheating on woman for another one etc.) to depict his mother's lying?

There is a dog who got put down by the protag.'s mother but his/her mother lied to this guy since childhood about this very dear dog. This protag is autistic. One day, protag is told the truth by his father when his mother died of some disease. Boy's childhood and perception of world was ruined at a very young age- shocked him(kind of like how survivors of war are always somewhat...scarred).

hope it helps you

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