write a algorithm to print average marks of student of 3 subject
Students with maximum average score of three subjects
Given a file containing data of student name and marks scored by him/her in 3 subjects. The task is to find the list of students having the maximum average score.
Note : If more than one student has the maximum average score, print them as per the order in the file.
Input : file[] = {“Shrikanth”, “20”, “30”, “10”, “Ram”, “100”, “50”, “10”}
Output : Ram 53
Average scores of Shrikanth, Ram are 20 and 53 respectively. So Ram has the maximum average score of 53.
Input : file[] = {“Ramesh”, “90”, “70”, “40”, “Adam”, “50”, “10”,
”40″, “Suresh”, “22”, “1”, “56”, “Rocky”, “100”, “90”, “10”}
Output : Ramesh Rocky 66
Average scores of Ramesh, Adam, Suresh and Rocky are 66, 33, 26 and 66 respectively. So both Ramesh and Rocky have the maximum average score of 66.
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