write a artical on tobacoo should totally banned
The number of adult and adolescent males chewing tobacco is rising (in particular, a commercially produced branded sachet-tobacco, which is the cause of a rising rate of oral submuscous fibrosis (OSMF) and a variety of Leukoplakia and pre-cancerous oral lesions which can develop into oral cancer. Historically, 'Paan' was formulated to an individual's wishes but now readymade packets of these products are available as a mixture known as 'Paan masala' or 'Gutkha' and is even available in certain parts of Europe and America.
Banning smoking alone does not solve the problem. In our experience, many tobacco smokers are becoming chewers, and a significant proportion of these are developing oral pre-cancerous lesion and oral cancer. They have little information on the ill-effects of chewing tobacco, which can be as injurious for health as smoking. Many people think that chewing tobacco is safer than smoking. However, chewing tobacco is not only highly carcinogenic, it may cause periodontal destruction and other systemic disorders like smoking-induced ailments (5).
Controlling tobacco use in India can only work if the campaigns include the ill effects of chewing tobacco as well as smoking.
I think it would be an effective measure if India's health care providers, policymakers, and law protecting agencies came forward to implement legislation banning both smoking and chewing tobacco.
The numbers of people who smoke have increase over the years. Although they are equipped with the knowledge of how unhealthy smoking can be, people still choose to smoke. It is a personal choice and a highly addictive habit. Smokers choose to subject themselves to the health risks of smoking. It is not for the government or any third party to dictate whether or not a person should be allowed to smoke. However, smoking does not only affect the smoker negatively. It also affects all the people around those who smoke because when people smoke in pubic the smoke travels everywhere through the air, and the negative effects of this smoke affects all living, breathing creatures. Therefore smoking should be banned in all public places.
People who smoke in public portray a bad example. Children are easily influenced in their growing stages. They imitate the people around them because they cannot differentiate between right and wrong. Therefore they perceive the actions they see around them as the way things should be. Besides that, teenagers who see people smoke in public take it as precedent to start smoking as well. There is a saying that goes “monkey see monkey do,” which tells us that people imitate the actions of others as they see it in their daily lives. Teenagers happen to think that smoking makes a person “cool.” When they see adults doing it on the streets it strengthens their belief in the “coolness” of smoking. Some teenagers think that smoking marks their transition into adulthood and maturity. Hence, more teenagers start smoking due to the influence of seeing other people smoke in public places.
If smoking is banned in public areas, it will promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone. People will see it as a government endorsement for a healthier lifestyle of everybody. This is because by banning smoking in public areas the government sends the message that the government cares about the health of the citizens and that the government discourages people from smoking. Thus, when smoking is not allowed in public areas it reminds people that health care is very important. It reminds each and every person that the government is seriously concerned for the well being of its citizens. Therefore, people would be reminded to live a healthy lifestyle.
If smoking is banned in public places it safeguards the life of the smoker as well as that of the public. Studies have shown that second hand smoke kills. Second hand smoke causes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory infections and asthma attacks in children. Besides that, second hand smoke causes heart diseases and lung cancer in smoking and non-smoking adults. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), secondhand smoke contains at least 250 chemicals known to be toxic, including more than 50 that can cause cancer” (CDC, 2009). These studies have proven that second hand smoke can cause cancer and is extremely bad for both the smokers and non-smokers’ health. In addition, the CDC also states that, “The California Environmental Protection Agency estimates that secondhand smoke exposure causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in theUnited States” (CDC, 2009). This means that just by being near people who are smoking, innocent people are dying of diseases that are caused by second hand smoke. This violates a non-smokers’ right to live a healthy lifestyle because just by being in public places where other people smoke they are subjected to breathing in toxic fumes. Consequently, the health of innocent non-smokers who are in public places are being jeopardized against their will.