write a article about breakup pf joint family system in india....
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silent changes have been taking place in the family life of India for the last few decades the old joint family system have been disintegrated and in their places nuclear families each with three or four members are coming into being they have been several causes that have been provoking disintegration of our old extended family first the spread of female education has been outlook of women about life in most cases when an educated girl enters her husband life as a bride she can hardly old ideas of her mother in law consecutively she deserves to set up an independent establishment of earphone second disparity in the income of brothers provided and incentive for disintegration of big families the brothers of brothers who have different income and tempted to have a separate establishment table decorated and richly furnished with modern and luxury S III thanks to globalisation and email which have done the world into Global Village European consumers dazzles our life and it from which the members of family in to come out of the old way of life and rat race 43 the girl who came to the same family as Bride and brought up in their partner Re homes in different social culture and sometimes. Kal environment and consequently they cannot pull together so they obtain like to live a parent from each other to avoid bitter Encounters now as results of the breakup of joint family is the people who suffered most are the old parents and unemployed members sometime the old parents are to be friend for themselves or two option to live in a home for the old age it is a fact that the nuclear families live in economical solvents but if an emergency crop tops the small family Swine Flu helping hands to share the trouble besides the child or the children of nuclear family live isolated from the mainstream of society and show their of 10 grow as strangers to follow feeling
thanx.... darlo
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