English, asked by vishal4487, 1 year ago

write a biography of Bhagat Singh


Answered by drishti9746
Born: September 28, 1907 

Place of Birth: Village Banga, Tehshil Jaranwala, District Lyallpur, Punjab (in modern day Pakistan)

Parents: Kishan Singh (father) and Vidyavati Kaur (mother)

Education: D.A.V. High School, Lahore; National College, Lahore 

Associations: Naujawan Bharat Sabha, Hindustan Republican Association, Kirti Kisan Party, Kranti Dal.

Political Ideology: Socialism; Nationalism; Anarchism; Communism

Religious Beliefs: Sikhism (childhood and teen); Atheism (youth)

Publications: Why I Am An Atheist: An Autobiographical Discourse, The Jail Notebook And Other Writings, Ideas of a Nation 

Death: Executed on March 23, 1931

Memorial: The National Martyrs Memorial, Hussainwala, Punjab

Bhagat Singh is considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of Indian Nationalist Movement. He became involved with numerous revolutionary organizations and played an important role in the Indian National movement. He died a martyr at the age of just 23 years. Following his execution, on March 23, 1931, the supporters and followers of Bhagat Singh regarded him as a "Shaheed" (martyr).

Childhood and Early Life

Bhagat Singh was born on September 28, 1907, at Banga in Lyallpur district (now Pakistan) to Kishan Singh and Vidyavati. At the time of his birth, his father Kishan Singh, uncles Ajit and Swaran Singh were in jail for demonstrations against the Colonization Bill implemented in 1906. His uncle, Sardar Ajit Singh, was a proponent of the movement and established the Indian Patriots' Association. He was well-supported by his friend Syed Haidar Raza in organizing the peasants against the Chenab Canal Colony Bill. Ajit Singh had 22 cases against him and was forced to flee to Iran. His family was the supporter of the Ghadar party and the politically aware environment at home helped incite a sense of patriotism in the heart of young Bhagat Singh.

drishti9746: ji
drishti9746: hi
drishti9746: who are you
drishti9746: name
Answered by azalfa0786
hiiii mate!
hope it help u
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