History, asked by Omkush1098, 9 months ago

Write a brief note on adminstration of the Mughal empire


Answered by alfredsanthoshcheruv


The mughal empire was divided into "Subas" which were further subdivided into "Sarkar","Pargana", and "Gram". There were 15 Subas (provinces) durng Akbar's reigns, which later increased to 20 under the Auranzeb's reign. The Akbar introduced the Mansabdari system. The term "Mansab" indicates the rank of the holder. Mansabdari was both civil and military. During Mughal administration there were 3 methods of revenue collection i.e. Kankut, Rai And Zabti.

Central Administration

Enjoying the absolute power, the Emperor of the Mughal Empire was always the central administrative authority. A number of officers in the different governmental departments were appointed for the smooth functioning of transactions involving various affairs.

The state had four main departments and the four main officers of the central government were diwan; Mir bakhshi; Mir saman; and sadr.

Provincial Administration

Akbar set the firm base for the provincial administration by fixing the territories of the provincial units and establishing a uniform administrative model subjected to minor amendment to suit local circumstances. Each province had a set of officials representing the branches of state activity, which made control over provinces more effective.

The provincial administrative structure was the replica of that of the central government.

Local Administration

At the village level, the subas were divided into Sarkars which were further subdivided into Parganas.

Faujdar (chief executive head of a Sarkar) was responsible for maintaining law and order in his jurisdiction and the executed the royal decrees and regulations. He also kept the powerful Zamindars under check.

Amalguzar or the revenue collector was the next important officer. Shiqdar maintained the general administration and law and order of Pargana assisted by Amil (revenue collector), Amin (assessor of revenue), Patadar (treasurer), Qanungo (keeper of land record) and Bitikchis (clerks).

Village head or the Muqaddam (sarpanch) dealt with functions locally. The Patwari assisted him by taking care of village revenue records.

Revenue Administration

Land revenue was the major source of the income.

Akbar had instituted a system of Dahsala/Bandobast Arazi/the Zabti system. Under which, the average produce of different crops and the average prices from the last ten years were calculated. One-third of the average was the share of the state that was mentioned in cash.

Land revenue was fixed considering both, continuity and productivity of cultivation. Polaj (land continually cultivated), parauti (fallow lands for an year) paid full prices when under cultivation.

After assessing land revenue in kind, value was converted into cash using price list or dastur-ul-amal, prepared at regional level for various food crops.

The empire was divided into numerous regions-dastur, at pargana level, that had similar productivity. The government provided the dastur-ul-amal at tehsil level and it explained the style of land revenue payment.

Each cultivator got a title for land holding or patta and qubuliyat (deed of agreement by which he pays state revenue).

Various other assessment system were followed under Akbar’s reign

The most common was called batai or ghallabakshi (crop-sharing) subdivided into three parts (i) bhaoli -reaped and stacked crops divided in the presence of the parties. (ii) khet batai –dividing fields after sowing.(iii)lang batai- division of grain heaps.

Kankut—In Kankut –measuring the land by Jrib or through pacing and estimating standing crops by inspection.

Nasaq—a rough calcula­tion of payable amount by the peasant, keeping in minds his past experience.

Military Administration

Soldiers, horsemen, horses and elephants has to be supplied and maintained by the mansabdars. The number that a mansabdar was expected to provide was specific in his warrant of selection or were indicated by the rank he held.

The classes of troops under the Mansabdars were: dakhili (services of which were paid by the state), ahadis (the "gentlemen troopers," who drew higher pay than ordinary servicemen). The chiefs were also permitted to hold a degree of autonomy while providing deputation under their own command.


Answered by Rabbaj
May god bless the above answer
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