write a brief note on the occupational change in Assam
CHANGE IN OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE AND INCOME LEVEL Occupation is the basis of livelihood. Occupation pattern, according to economic activities influence the total life of a society. The occupation of an individual refers to his trade, profession and type of work. The occupational structure of a society is the products of a number of intimately related factors. The nature and variety of physical resource base, of course, lays down the basic foundation in the form of good land for agriculture, indented coast for fishing, thick vegetable cover for forestry, rich geological strata for mining etc. When the primary resources are utilized on a commercial scale, it generates diversification of occupational structure. That is why as long as the world agriculture remained at subsistence level; there was not much diversification of occupation. The diversification process gets further impetus from industrialization, because industrialization generates a variety of traditional jobs. Advancement of science and technology introduces elements of specialization in the occupational composition by creating highly specialized types of jobs. These entire development together breed a new urban culture which is more service oriented.