English, asked by arushvishwakarma, 1 year ago

Write a composition (300 - 350 Words) on the following topics:-
a) Importance of Moral education in school.
b) Write a short story which illustrates the significance of the proverb: "Time is Money"
c) You have recently visited a famous historical place. Describe the whole experience.​


Answered by rakib05


A) Importance of Moral education

We spent a restless time in keeping pace with the modern world. Here we are constantly observing various social crimes and family disturbance. There is a great depletion of moral character of the members in our society who are involved in this kind of unexpected activities.

As members of the society, students must spread positive effect of moral education. Moral education means an ethical education to follow the good and right principles of life. It consists of some basic principles, like truthfulness, honesty, charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness and sympathy. Moral education makes one perfect. Speaking truth, keeping honesty, recognition of individual dignity, offering equal opportunities to all, rights of self-control, dignity of labour, proper utilization of riches and resources, mutual tolerance and feelings of respect as well as reverence are the summation of morality.

Education is not aimed at obtaining only a degree. Moral education can be learnt at home, school and college. The scope for imparting moral teaching on the children is greater in home than in school or college because greater part of their time is spent at home. It is important to educate children about the phenomenal activists and legends who exemplifies strength and has shown character to fight against all odds and champion the right causes to bring revolutionary changes. These reformers and prophets should be the role models that the youth should follow and look up to.

In order to gain others' confidence and respect maintaining morality is indispensable. It indicates one's mental purity and greatness. Education in general has great importance in one's own life and also in national life. While it removes darkness of illiteracy, moral education removes all the evils of mind.

So moral education is all the more important. From ethical point of view human actions can be judged as good or bad right or wrong moral or immoral. These judgments are always determined by the common moral standard of our society. Broadly morality means honesty of character, fairness in attitude, absence of evils like hatred, jealously, greed, telling lies, etc. The ultimate objective of education is to inculcate these human values in the students.

Moral education can be imparted in a better way by examples and not by precepts. Our grown-ups often forget this golden rule and advise the younger to pursue good principles while they behave just opposite in their real life. This is a kind of hypocrisy. It should not be forgotten that no deception on the part of the grown-ups go unnoticed by their children, because children are good observers. Parents should also take care that their children do not mix with the evil companions.

It is the duty and responsibility of the teacher to impart moral based values in order to develop moral qualities such as humility, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, tolerance, sacrifice etc among the youth. It will help in developing positive social attitudes in new generation which prompt them to raise their voice against social evils.

Necessary counseling has to be given to the students. It is important to treat them as an equal and show trust and faith in them and make them confident to take their own calls. To tell the integrity based life story and examples must be shared with them so that they have more clarity of thought. Give them time and treat them with patience at all times.

Educationists opine that morality cannot be taught as a subject in any educational institution. It is something which child learns from its parents an family. The moral education can be given through discipline and punishment for violating the codes of conduct. Be a mentor than a parent and talk to your child as a friend, it would be a smoother process for them to learn. Share your past mistakes, its consequences and what you learned from it. Don't discourage their adventurous spirit but teach them to balance it between an adventure and a misadventure.

Students should be taught that if they are educated in moral education, they will avoid using drugs, social crimes will not work in them, they will be honorable and sympathetic towards women and children, they will always be loyal to the teachers, above all they will be responsible for the family, society and the country.

Schools are having a moral culture embodied in rewards, rules, dress codes, punishments, honor codes, relationships, student leadership, teaching styles, art, co-curricular emphases, and the types of admiration accorded teachers and students. Schools communicate children about what is anticipated for them, what is wrong, right, or normal. If the schools and colleges impart the moral character building values effectively, the purity of the students can be maintained and enhanced. Absorbing the moral values at an early and receptive age, will be very beneficial for the youth, and will in turn ensure that Bangladesh has a shining future.

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