English, asked by mewan, 1 year ago

write a composition in about 300 word on any one of the following.

amruthadeshpande: yeah its correct..
mewan: ty guys..
mewan: wat bout passage note taking du u kno guys..
neerjabinu: what about it?
mewan: it too long i have to type or i think it already her da question writtin by someone may b bout the earliest authenticated human remain in south asia date to about 30,000 etc.......
neerjabinu: i dont know about it until u post it plz
mewan: hmmm have to type it...can u wait
neerjabinu: okay sure
neerjabinu: make it fast plz
neerjabinu: i have a lot other works to finish


Answered by 426ri543
Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a coworker in a neighboring cube to the girl who played Emily in your high school production of "Our Town" thirty years ago. Browsing these sites can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy, casual connection in an electronic environment can also have its downside.A False Sense of Connection According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weakenCyber-bullying The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News report.

426ri543: Plz mark as a brainliest
426ri543: Mark as a brainliest plzzzzzz
Answered by amruthadeshpande
English as an international language (EIL) is an innovative area of study. It offers a new perspective on the use of English in today's globalised and internationalised world. The major examines the different Englishes in the world, and the implications of the global spread of the English language for intercultural communication. You will critically reflect on your experiences of use in a variety of contexts and examine them in the context of the development of intercultural communication skills. You will also develop a high level of understanding of the ideology behind the learning and teaching of English; the different models used; and the impact of ethnocentric teaching and learning materials or activities on learners and teachers of English.
English as an International Language (EIL) is a newly emerged area of study in the field of applied linguistics. As a program, English as an International Language equips students with knowledge of the diversity of English as a result of its global spread, and the ability to communicate with diverse users of English from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is also a program that is developed to meet and respond to Monash’s internationalisation of education initiatives.

Knowledge of the diversity of English, and intercultural communication skills are important because:

living and working in a multicultural and multilingual environment is not uncommon advanced information technology allows people to communicate with those from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds whose English and cultural practices are not necessarily familiarthe approach to the teaching and learning of English in today’s world has changed – knowledge in this field and the ability to teach English across cultures are essential.
therefore we can say that English is very successful in being an important international language.

mewan: r u on watapp
neerjabinu: no
neerjabinu: u send me a friend request
mewan: idk from were i have to sent u friend req
mewan: bcoz m new on this app got no idea
neerjabinu: just leave it
mewan: hmmm..ok if ua on watapp i can gve u ma no
neerjabinu: im not there
neerjabinu: sorry
mewan: ok..bdw u sent me friend reqi will xcpt
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