English, asked by zericho135, 1 year ago

Write a composition of 250-300 wards on dog.

Sharvan10102: Do u want what a dog is??
Sharvan10102: like its nature,its appearence


Answered by nani234
HOLA !!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The dog is a pet animal and considered as the man's best friend. It gives a loving and honest companion to the man. It loves and respects its owner and makes sure that his owner never feels sad or lonely. He guards home, offices, and man for a whole day without getting anything in return. He respects his owner from the heart and can guess his/her presence through their smell. Dogs can be of many kinds such as Bulldogs, Bloodhounds, pitbull, lap dogs, etc. 
. It is a very clever domestic animal and has been proved very useful in catching thieves and criminals. It does so as it has a very powerful sense of hearing and smell. It is loved by the people because of its noble service.Sweat glands are found in their tongue which helps in cooling themselves through the process of panting.It never leaves its owner whether he/she is poor, beggar or rich person.A female dog gives birth to a baby and feed milk that’s why dogs come under the category of mammals. The baby of a dog is called as a puppy and its home as a kennel.The lifespan of a dog can be 12 to 15 years long. A dog sleeps in the day however active at night that’s why it is called as a nocturnal animal.  Dogs are known as digitigrades animals as they use their toes while running or walking. They have well developed canine teeth to eat flesh. It can make various sounds such as howl, snarl, bark, growl, etc in order to express different moods.  People use dogs to draws the sledge in the cold countries. Dogs are categorized according to their service to people such as guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, etc
please please mark as brilliant.
Answered by Prashantsahu






Essay on Our Pet Dog

Feed by sandy Cat- Essay 

We are making a lot of essay on the dog, in various word boundaries for the purpose of helping the students here. Nowadays, the essay writing and paragraph writing strategy is usually used by teachers to teach students about the knowledge and skills of students in school or college. All the essays available here are written by professional writers using simple words and easy sentences to meet the needs and needs of students in different word boundaries. Therefore, students can choose essay on any of these dogs. Here you can find the essay on dog in English language in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 400 words.

Essay on dog 1 (100 words)

The dog's scientific name is Canis Lupus Familiis. This is a domestic animal. It comes in the category of mammals because it gives birth to a puppy and breastfeeding like other mammals. Originally dogs are of breed of wolves. This is considered to be the first animal created by man. There are many breeds of dogs, which are used by humans as pets. Their nature is very helpful and it is considered as the best friend of man. These have proved to be loyal years before the human years. They understand the manner and nature of the person's speech (well). These can eat meat, vegetables, biscuits, milk, and other prepared food which are specially prepared for dogs. They follow their duties very well, this is the reason that these fire dogs, police dogs, assistant dogs, army dogs, hound dogs, messenger dogs, rescue dogs, shepherd dogs, etc. Used in


Essay 2 on dog (150 words)

The dog is a pet and has proved to be a very useful and obedient animal for humanity. It is found in many breeds all over the world. It is very cautious animal and very honestly fulfills its duties. It keeps sharp minds and shiny eyes It is an omnivorous animal that can eat the food produced by both plants and animals. It keeps pointy tooth for tearing flesh, even eating bones.

They can be easily taught and controlled through proper training. According to various breeds of dogs, some dogs have very large hair (fur) on the whole body or only on the neck. Typically, the dog's tail is teddy, spindle or bent and hairy. They are different in color, size, and weight. This is a very loyal animal and never cheats your boss. It takes care of the thieves 24 hours of your master's house. It is very friendly, however, being crazy becomes very dangerous.


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