Write a composition. Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account to what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it.

When will God's best creation-man stop interfering with God's other creation on earth be it flora or fauna. O man! when will you stop being selfish. Please understand just as you need air, water and shelter to survive so do I. This is the wail and cry of the lower creatures existing with man on mother earth.
Rani, the lioness is without a home. She is forced to take refuge on a tree. She is in a very pitiful condition and knows not what to do, how to survive. The queen of the forest, the lady of the first animal of the forest whom all fears for their life is now herself fighting for her survival. What a twist of life! She never could think life would come to such a stand that she who lived by preying on other animals was itself a prey to God's supreme creation-Man.
Not only has her shelter been snatched but also she has been bereft of food and fodder. There are no helping hands coming forward to save the plight of her lot.
Little does Rani know the fact that man who hurts, kills his own brethren for his own selfish and materialistic motives, how he will think about these mute creatures. How much she may roar and grunt, wear out her sharp claws, her voice will be heard by none. This is what the scene is portraying having run from pillar to post and back. She is dead tired, despaired and sad and knows not what to do.
This helpless sight of Rani should be an eye opener to man that he must think twice before taking the step towards deforestation in the name of progress and development. He should remember that as you sow so shall you reap. If he uproots the lower creatures of their habitat, the day will not be far when nature will hit back with all its fury in the form of flood, earthquake, Tsunami, etc. to take its revenge. I sincerely hope man will wake up from his slumber and ensure that all creatures whether low or high must be given an equal opportunity of peaceful survival. I end on the positive note that Rani and her like will not have to suffer from such difficulties in future.
Druvi needs an umbrella to protect her wings from the rain. Join the dragonfly as she searches for the perfect leaf-umbrella.
Druvi the dragonfly has just learnt to fly.
She flies near the pond with her friends.
They tease the frogs and eat mosquitoes for lunch.
Druvi, the dragonfly, eats mosquitoes for lunch. (Source: Pratham Books)
In the evening, Druvi flies to the jungle nearby.
She looks at the bird nests and spider webs.
She does not see the clouds gather in the sky.
It’s raining! (Source: Pratham Books)
Plop! A raindrop falls on Druvi’s head.
Druvi wants to go back home.
But she does not want her wings to get wet.
The dragonfly needs an umbrella. (Source: Pratham Books)
“I need an umbrella,” thinks Druvi.
She flies to the Gulmohar tree.
It looks like a strong, red umbrella.
The leaves are too tiny.
“Too small to even cover an ant,” thinks Druvi. “I need something bigger.”
Will the papaya tree be of any help to the dragonfly? (Source: Pratham Books)
Druvi sees big, star-shaped leaves.
“The Papaya tree leaves would make a lovely umbrella,” thinks Druvi. “Oh no, it is letting all the rain in.”
The touch-me-nots fold up. (Source: Pratham Books)
The wind blows strong but Druvi has still not found her umbrella.
She perches under a plant but the thin leaves fold up!
“How unkind you are,” Druvi says to the Touch-Me-Not plant.
The jungle is full of plants and trees.
Druvi is upset. The jungle is full of leaves.
There are thin leaves and fat ones, big ones and small ones.
But none are umbrella leaves.
The banyan tree.
Suddenly Druvi sees a Banyan tree.
It does not have star-shaped leaves or prickly leaves.
The leaves are not too heavy or too small.
An umbrella for the dragonfly.
Druvi flies towards the Banyan tree.
She perches under the leaf.
She has found her umbrella!
More about dragonflies
Dragonflies love to travel.
Dragonflies are great travellers! Some dragonflies – like the Wandering Glider that we find in our fields and gardens – travel across the open seas from India to Africa. They travel more than 16,000 kilometres to cross the Indian Ocean.
They start their journey from India in October and reach countries like Tanzania in January. On the way, they stop at islands like the Maldives and Seychelles.
Dragonflies cannot fly if they are too hot or too cold. In the morning, they spread their wings to get heat from the sun. In the afternoon, some dragonflies perch with their body raised and their stomach pointing to the sun, to stay cool.
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