English, asked by mistie123, 9 months ago

write a debate on the topic 'Science is blessing not a curse.' plz write of for side


Answered by malurish


advantages or disadvantages of science.

One of the striking features of 20 century is the progress of is no section oh human society in which science has not brought revolution. But still the term is debated among the conscious people that whether science is blessing or it is a curse for humanity. The facts, which are drawn by systematic study, are applied practically for the welfare of mankind or for the destruction of humanity. For example a gun in the hand of a guard is used for the safety purposes but the same gun in the hand of a terrorist may take the life of many products of science. It is up to the human beings how they utilize them. Let us discuss how science serves humanity and how it is harmful for it.

Blessing of Science

Blessings of science are numerous. Science has completely changed the living style of man. Now man is living in a totally 18 century. From home to office, from farm to factory, form village to town, in short everywhere in life now we can see the unlimited blessing of science.

At home, we find that science has provided many comforts to the human beings. Whether it is kitchen, lounge, shaker, chopper, toaster and many other appliance have brought a revolution in the working of a kitchen and a housewife.

Although it is a fact that science can not fight with fate and it often fails to defeat nature yet it has done a lot to minimize the disastrous effects of nature. Scientists have invented such machines like air conditioner and heater that can give comfort to the man in hot summers and in extreme winters respectivel

Disadvantages of Science

The useful instrument of science may be used for bad purposes, No doubt with the advent of scientific era some scientific ills concurrently come with its blessings. The problem of pollution is at top of the list in this concern. Our industries are producing chemicals for rapid industrial development but at the same time what the smoke they emit is highly poisonous for every kind of life. The water, which is used in chemical plants, is dangerous for us all. Chemicals refuse is another problem. Our global environment is going to become dangerous day by day. Scientists have diverted the attention of the people of the world towards the dangerous hole of ozone layer that prevents dangerous ultraviolet sunrays to come to the earth.

The sound of factory machines is producing noise pollution, which is our hearing faculty.

The advantages of science are less than disadvantages. The deadly weapons which have been developed with the help of modern scientific methods can finish this world of ours in an instant. The world has seen the examples of two Japanese cities. Biological weapons are more dangerous than atomic weapons; chemical weapons are even more deadly and lethal. The countries of the world are producing more for destruction than the construction. Millions of scientists are working for developing more deadly weapons. Missiles are produced in the cloth of seasonal rockets.

In this age of progress and prosperity man has become a mechanical device. He works in fixed pattern; his movements are like mechanical man. This new era has produced in man, craftiness cunningness and inhumanity. He has to take pills to rest and sleep. Man is going to be devoid of manliness.

Medical science inspite of its all boasted success has badly failed to cure some chronic diseases. Despite the hectic efforts to control floods, water is still a major natural calamity. Television, which provides recreation programmes, has adversely affected the activities of youth. They gave more time to television than sports and study.

The aero-planes that are used to carry passengers from one place to another are effectively used for bombing over cities and other civil installations. Tanks are ever ready to trample down the crops and men. Guns see no friends or foes because whenever they are fired they bring destruction. Through factories chemical pollution is producing global warming that will ultimately bring floods and devastation.

Electronic media and printing media are the organs of propaganda of various governments; they are breeding hatred between nations and different sections of society. The obscene pictures are creating a polluted society with degenerated culture. Moral norms are also on the decline. Sex lessons are taught with lustful scenes. Carnal desires are giving spur by various methods.

Science is knowledge of observation and analyzing facts. There is nothing good or bad with science. It is like knife, which may be used to cut branches of trees or vegetables and at the same time could be used to cut the throat of a man. It is all to man how he uses it.

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