Sociology, asked by hussinali50364, 11 months ago

Write a detail note on the need, nature and scope of Moral Foundations.​


Answered by bjjpkunp16839


Sorry I was just wondering what happened with you

Answered by skyfall63

A group of social and cultural psychologists  have developed theory of the Moral Foundations to explain why morality differs so widely between different cultures but it also exudes so many similarities and themes. In short, the theory suggests that a number of "inborn and universally" available "psychological systems" are the foundation of "intuitive ethics." Each culture then builds on these foundations virtues, narratives and institutions, thereby creating unique morality that we see throughout the world and that conflicts within countries as well. It was 1st proposed by the psychologists  Craig Joseph, Jesse Graham, &Jonathan Haidt building on the work of "cultural anthropologist Richard Shweder"


According to the Theory of Moral foundations, variations in moral concerns can be defined in 6 foundation.

Care: Protecting & cherishing others;  the opposite of "harm"

Proportionality/Fairness: Rendering justice in accordance to shared rules; the opposite of "cheating"

Loyalty/Ingroup: Standing with your family, group, and nation; the opposite of "betrayal"

Authority or respect: Submitting to legitimate & traditional authority; the opposite of "subversion"

Purity/Sanctity: Abhorrence for disgusting foods, things, and actions; the opposite of "degradation".


To know more

Discuss the role of moral foundations in the personality development ...

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