English, asked by Kanishka111111, 1 year ago

write a diary entry about the first rain you have seen.


Answered by 5anmolukey
My Experience on A Rainy Day

My Experience on A Rainy Day gives me sweet memories. Rains are blessings. Rains are a curse. If we could control rains and bring them on wherever we are in need or keep them off as long as we desires them, of course rains would be a blessing. But as it is, elements of nature are not under human control sometimes not to our liking. There was a day when it rained and I did not like it. 

It was a holiday and I had planned to enjoy the day. I was to pay a visit to my sister at Thriuttani which is at a distance of 75 kilometers form my place. Early that morning I started from house. 

Even at that hour I could see bad weather ahead. Dark, smoky clouds threatened rain. I thought I would be safe if I got into a bus. As! It was in vain. 

I was getting into the blue when it started raining and it’s rained the way it has never rained. Within a few minutes anyone was drenched to the skin. None got the time to get a shelter. In a very short time the roads were flooded. The traffic came to a standstill. 

Visibility was reduced to a few meters. It poured so heavily that even there headlights of the bus could not pierce the thick sheet of water pouring form the sky. Water collected more speedily than it went down the drains. 

The stalls and the temporary structures for the shops at the bus stop dripped. Those inside the shops and buses were in no way better than those outside on the road who were getting wet in utter helplessness. It soon became worse. 

The stools, benches, chairs and small tables kept for customers outside the shops and stalls began to float in the rising streams of rain water. It was a pity to see people running after their articles. 

A man running to catch a bench fell into a drain. He might have been swept away by the strong current but the water itself threw him out. The poor man stood for a moment looking dazed at the rushing water. 

It rained for four hours during which period all activities came to a standstill. When at last the rain stopped, I was hardly in shape to carry on my journey. There was hardly any time left for the return trip. 

Moreover, I left home sick and longed to be at home in my comfortable bed. Hence I came home.

Kanishka111111: So long
Answered by Anonymous
Hello My Dear Partner! There Is Something Very Exciting To Share with you today since...Today is a Holiday For Us, I and my fab friends, Smera Sunaina and Jenny have planned to meet at the beach in the eve nearly around 4pm. Just as we planned, all of us reached the spot in time.As soon as we reached there, we rushed towards the beautiful water waves and began to enjoy ourselves! Just then, it started drizzling slightly...This added much more happiness to our fun...But gradually, the tender drizzles turned a bit stronger that very soon it started raining cats and dogs! But this didn't stir the fun, we were having then...We were dancing..singing...running behind each other...and had lots of fun! Even others who were taking shade under the shops, were filled with joy looking at us and later they too joined our fun..! We all enjoyed a lot together!
Within an hour The Excitement Of the Rain came Down And all Of Us Get Dispersed again.
We Four Friends Returned Back To our Homes After enjoying the cup of Hot coffee at the cafe.on my way to home it started to rain once again...Even now, its raining...As soon as I had my dinner, I came here just to share with you all these wonderful rainy moments.. All thanks to the gorgeous rain for making my day fabulous! I'm off to sleep now...See you tomorrow..Good Bye

Anonymous: TQ
Kanishka111111: your welcome
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