Write a e- mail on the following topic. You have paid your college fees in time and have the fee receipt with you, yet you have receive a mail from the college for paying the dues. write an e - mail as a reply in proper formet with the necessary
attachment of fee receipt.
The Principal,
____________ (School’s Name),
____________ (Address),
Date:__/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Request letter for fee receipt
Respected Sir/Madam,
Respected, my name is ___________ (Name), father/ mother of __________ (Ward’s name) studying in _______ (Class) class of your reputed school.
I am writing this letter in order to confirm that I have paid amount _______ /- (Mention fees) as the tuition fees of my ward on __/__/____ (date) for ______ (Tuition / Monthly / Quarter/ Semester/ Year / Any Other) via _____________ (Net banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Cheque – Mention the mode of payment).
I request you to kindly issue the fee receipt for the same. I will be needing it for __________ (Income Tax Filing Purpose/ Personal Records/ Audit Purpose/ Submission in company etc.).
I shall be highly served if you issue the same at the earliest. Looking forward to your quick response.
Thanking you,
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact Details)
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