write a essay on a mysterious horror story
The Scary Night
It was a rainy, cold and a dark night. A boy named Saurabh was walking to home. He was the only person to walk on the roads. A very few shops were open. It rained heavily, so he got inside one of the shops.
He suddenly discovered that it was a supermarket. Besides the shopkeeper , no one except Saurabh was present.
He went to the shopkeeper to ask the time. The shopkeeper said nothing. He asked him again but the shopkeeper didn't responded.
Suddenly, the shopkeeper pointed towards the washroom. Saurabh went there. When he went there, he saw something written on the mirror. It was written in blood that - YOU ENTERED INTO THE HOUSE OF DEATH!
Saurabh was terrified! A hand came from the mirror and punched Saurabh in the face. Suddenly, there was a weird noise.
Saurabh find himself in his bed and he discovered that it was just a dream!
It was a scary night. As usual, I was studying in my room. The wind was fiercely blowing and it was cold outside. I was busy in my studies as my exams were going to start next week. Suddenly I realised someone is knocking the door I though someone is knocking my neighbours door I didn't pay attention at first but then there was a loud knock at the door. The light was dim outside so it was not visible clearly.
Now, again someone one knocked the gate. I was trying to find out who was that person who is knocking or form where the sound is exactly coming from. Suddenly the curtain began to move side to side and I was helpless to see any person. My heart begans to beat faster. I wanted to find out but my fear did not allowed me to do so. I wanted to cry but could not to so as my throat was blocked.
My mother was trying to wake me up. The fact was I saw a horror movie yesterday and I realised that it was just a dream. Even on getting up I we sweating and a bit nervous and my brother was lighting at me it was such an embrassing movement for me but after sometimes even I started laughing.