English, asked by fifi5590, 1 year ago

Write a essay on folk tales


Answered by Aqsaqureshi1
Folk Tales as Cultural Productions

Folk tale is a set of practices where expressive genres are shared. This may comprise of legends, oral history, proverbs, jokes, fairytales, and stories, among others. On the other hand cultural productions concerns with the creation, consumption, and diffusion of cultural practices. In this paper, the discussion is based on the Folk tales in relation to the production of culture.

Folk tales is a general term that stands for various traditional narratives. Story telling seems to be cultural universal that is common to basic as well as complex alike societies. The form that these Folk tales take is similar from culture to culture. The themes and narratives through comparative studies have showed these relationships.

These tales have a number of cultural aspects that helps them, build and strengthen a certain culture. These aspects are such as allowing escape from societal consequences. Folk tales can also be used in the validation of a certain culture and in the transmission of a cultures morals and value from one generation to another.

Folk tales can also be regarded as a root of many cultural type of music. These type of music helps in the growth and continuity of a certain culture in the society. For example, blues, country, and music all originate from the American folklore. They can also be used in reliving or asserting social pressures, for example in the case of carnival and humor.

Another key aspect of folktales is that they help in the continuity of culture. Oral tradition helps in achieving it. For example, story telling on some aspects in the society has continued from one generation to another through the word of mouth. Indigenous storytellers in cultures preserved oral tales. Therefore, Folktales offer philosophical insights into the cultures from which they come. In respect to the story, writing Folk tales was one of the ways that culture passed down their morals as well as their way of life, parts of their history, and general issues about life. This culture was valued and at the same time kept alive by its people. Folk tales are a link for each generation into the wisdom of the people traditions and culture. Therefore, through Folk tales it is possible to learn about a culture, tradition and as a result ensure their continuity.

In conclusion, cultural production from one generation to another has been enhanced through Folk tales. It is clear that without some aspects such as oral tradition this production would be hard to 

Answered by agnikhazra


Folktales are a kind of story that gets passed on from generation to generation. True folktales do not have a single author. They develop as different people tell them over time. As such, they are creations of “the folk,” or the people. Many folktales are very old. For generations the tales were spoken aloud and never written down. Storytellers would memorize the stories and keep them alive.

Modern authors may write their own versions of popular kinds of traditional tales, such as fables and fairy tales. Also, folktales that began as ancient spoken stories may now be written down in books. For example, the stories called the Arabian Nights were told aloud long ago in many places in the Middle East and elsewhere. A variety of entertaining stories in the group tell of characters such as Aladdin, Ali Baba, and Sinbad the Sailor. People began collecting and writing down these colorful tales more than 1,000 years ago.


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Folktales tell about many different parts of life. They may tell about joys and sorrows, animals and magic beings, and heroes and villains. They can be scary, funny, or exciting. Different types of folktales may entertain, teach a lesson, or try to explain things that people do not understand. Myths are similar to folktales. They are traditional stories about a culture’s beliefs about life.

Different cultures tell different stories. However, some similar themes appear in folktales told in many different places and cultures. For example, folktales about clever “tricksters” are common in western Africa, the Americas, and other places. Trickster tales usually involve a weaker animal using its wits to get the better of a stronger one.

Stories of heroes are also common in many cultures. Heroic tales help bind a people together and help them remember their history. For example, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are the heroes of many French and English legends.


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A fable is a type of folktale that teaches a lesson. Fables are usually entertaining tales featuring animals that talk and behave as people do. Because they have humanlike qualities, the animals show how foolish or wise people can be. For example, “The Three Little Pigs” teaches that hard work is important: The house built by the hardest-working pig is the only one that survives the wolf’s attacks.

Some of the oldest fables came from India and Greece thousands of years ago. Many fables that are familiar in English today are said to have been written in ancient Greece by a man named Aesop.

Fairy Tales

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Fairy tales are a kind of folk story about magical events and creatures. They often tell about a young person meeting fantastic beings such as fairies, witches, giants, or dragons. Stories such as “Cinderella,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Sleeping Beauty” began as spoken folktales with no one author. Two German brothers called the Brothers Grimm collected and wrote down many fairy tales in the 1800s. Some modern writers, such as Hans Christian Andersen, invented their own fairy tales.


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