English, asked by HappiestWriter012, 1 year ago

Write a essay on " ragging "

[ Add up anything regarding ragging ]


Answered by Anonymous
                          Ragging: A Menace in Society

“Ragging at its most harmless is embarrassing and silly, but at its worst, it attempts to prevent individual students from independent thinking, attempts, in fact, to eradicate freewill” 
                                                                      ― Debalina Haldar

Ragging is a practice similar to hazing in educational institutions. Ragging involves existing students baiting or bullying new students.

The Supreme Court of India defined ragging as , Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any student, indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities.

Ragging today has assumed tartarous, vulgar and inhuman forms that defy all norms of decency and morality.Some of the most common forms of ragging in colleges are:-

(i)Dress Code Ragging 
(ii)Verbal torture
(iii)Sexual abuse
(iv)Playing the fool
(v)Hostel Ragging
(vi)Drug abuse

Reasons of Ragging

Ragging is not merely a sociolegal problem. It has certain psychological basis. There are many reasons that initiate ragging. Some of those are:-

(i)Ragging can be means of retaliation 
A senior who has some previous history of ragging may like to get back by venting his frustrations on the freshers 

(ii)Ragging gives a sense of authority  By having the freshers always at his command, a senior student nurtures a sense of authority which books his morale and puts him on high.

(iii)Satisfaction of sadistic pleasures   A ragger sees ragging as a good opportunity to satiate his sadistic pleasures all at the cost of a poor fresher.

Recent Data and Governments Initiation to Curb it.

According to the recent data, 15 students  have committed suicide b/w 2016-17. The states with high number of ragging cases b/w June 2009 to Sept. 2014 include Odisha-266, Madhya Pradesh-263, Maharashtra-150, Tamil Nadu-143, Rajasthan-142, Bihar-132 and Delhi has reported 57 cases.

In 1997, the state of Tamil Nadu first passed laws related to ragging subsequently, a major boost to anti-ragging efforts was given by a landmark judgement of the supreme court of India in May 2001, in response to a PIL filed by the Vishwa Jagriti Mission.

Anti-ragging Movement

With the situation of ragging worsening yearly, there is emerging a spontaneous anti-ragging movements in India. Several voluntary organisations have emerged, who conduct drives for public awareness and arrange for support to victims. Online groups like Coalition to Uproot Ragging from India (CURE), Stopragging, NO Ragging Foundation became the major anti-ragging groups on the Internet. Among them, No ragging foundation has transformed into a complete NGO and got registered as Society Against Violence In Education (SAVE) which is India's first anti-ragging Non-Profit Organisation (NGO).

With ragging becoming rampant in colleges, it is about time that everyone awakens its conscience to this inhuman practise before more and more innocent students become victims of it and before more and more educational institutes are degraded by it.No efforts whether it is with or without law can be successful unless we are giving adequate importance to value factor. In the absence of a bold machinery to execute the law, a self enlightenment both from institution and from students can travel a long way in eradicating this nasty practice.

The role of Central and State Government as well as universities in publicising the ills of ragging and sensitising people is very crucial in eradicating this problem of ragging.

Annabelle1056: amazingly written!! :p keep it up!
Anonymous: Thanks! @Rashi! ^^
taannaa: that's what we call a great answer from a star person....!!! =D
Anonymous: Thankie! ^^
taannaa: mention not.!!! :)
Anonymous: Eeeeee ^^
Anonymous: Approve it please =_=
Answered by Anonymous

Ragging is a practise similar to hazing in educational institutions. Ragging involves existing students baiting or bullying new students. In many schools and colleges senior students physically torture the newcomers. Seniors pressurize and insult them to do what they want them to do. Ragging is the action of scolding, teasing,criticizing a person which often takes place in the hostels. Ragging has some positive effects but it should be discouraged. The tall and the short, the fat and the lean all become easy targets. Lunches brought by the new students is eaten by seniors, if someone is wearing glasses then the glasses are snatched and seniors make the insult of new comers in front of the whole college. In India, ragging is commonly involve serious abuses and clear violations of human rights.

Ragging is a serious crime and it should be discouraged because many students are losing their lives and committing suicides with the harrasment.

We can stop ragging by putting CCTV in the campus, strict punishment and abolition of bad activities like ragging, taking parents in the in the loop, making anti ragging squads, insure the interaction of students with teachers and parents.


Annabelle1056: very well written!! :D keep it up!!
taannaa: tht's awsm..!!
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