English, asked by princebadoliya16, 8 months ago

write a essay on should school bags be made lighter​


Answered by mahababu29


write the heading as "school bags should be made lighter" and start writing mate


Every child going to school is physically harassed with the burden heavy school bag of carrying many books per subject. Their school bags run into kilos, weighing down their tiny backs and stunting their physical growth or giving them back and spine problems.

A committee headed by Prof. Yashpal brought out a report in 1933 A.D. stating the need for check on the curriculum load for school going children.

In their 12 point recommendation the committee stated that the pressure on students is worst when too much is taught just before the examinations.

There are too many textbooks, densely packed. The matter is written in convoluted language and teachers just skim through it to cover up the course on time.

Children fail to comprehend so they usually memorized and reproduce like parrots during the examination. This is not an enjoyable experience.

Subjects like mathematics, Social studies, Science, languages are taught in hurried manner so children are hardly able to follow them to develop a liking for them.

Usually when topics like grammar are taught, the tests are taken immediately but later the child has no recall value so he cuts a sorry figure where languages are concerned. Most of the students pass without understanding the subjects. All they have learnt is cramming. This problem can only be solved if study topics are backed with activities to be performed by the pupils and teachers as a group activity.

Topics need to be logically discussed in class by honing the students skills of curiosity and clear understanding. It is time we redefine our approach to education and its aim. Textbooks with errors should be immediately pulled out of circulation and students should not be made into confused bundles who don’t know what to do – score well by cramming wrong things or have the guts to write the wrong things at the cost of marks in the examinations.

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