English, asked by ABDiviliers, 1 year ago

write a Famiy chart​


Answered by vibhavrimishra


family chart starts with grandpa and ends at the small baby in our home

Answered by bobby123462


Family tree example

What is a Family Tree?

A family tree is the most common form of visually documenting one's ancestry. Most family tree charts include a box for each individual and each box is connected to the others to indicate relationships. In addition to an individual's name, each box may include dates, birthplace, and other information, depending on the desired complexity of the family tree diagram.

Typically, a generation is organized into a single level so it's easy to see at a glance which ancestors preceded which generation because they are physically above them on the tree.

A horizontal line between two boxes indicates a marriage. A bracket from a couple to a lower set of boxes indicates the children from that marriage. Although most family trees grow vertically, they are occasionally drawn sideways, as well.

Family tree horizontal

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