French, asked by munibaabdullah10, 3 months ago

write a fantasy story in French only if you if you dont then don't answer . NO SPAM​


Answered by ekanshigoyalbhiwani


your fantasy French story is written below


“La Bécasse” by Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant was a 19th century French writer whose style was characterized by a certain economy that’s often also attributed to Flaubert. As such, it’s the perfect style for a beginner looking for a story that’s both rich and relatively easy to read. And as far as short stories are concerned, there’s no dearth of them here: Maupassant wrote over 300 of them.

Les Contes De La Becasse (Le Livre de Poche) (French Edition)“La Bécasse” is the short introduction to his book of short stories entitled “Contes de la bécasse.” It’s the perfect place to start this collection, which may remind some of “The Canterbury Tales,” if not in content then in format.

The story recounts the tale of a local baron who can no longer hunt, as he is paralyzed, but he is often wheeled out to the yard to shoot at birds when the weather is fair. He invites a group of hunters to his home for an event he calls “the stories of the woodcock” or “les contes de la bécasse,” whereby each member of the party tells a story. The stories that follow this short introduction are the stories of each of the members of the group.

Because this introductory tale is so short, it’s ideal as a first try for a new reader. But don’t be surprised if you can’t stop just at the introduction—it’s quite interesting

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