Math, asked by gahmer033, 6 months ago

Write a function of totalDivisors(int), which takes the number as parameter and the function will display all of the divisors till that number from 1. Calculate and return the total number of the divisors from the function in c++? ​


Answered by sam1258


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Find all divisors of a natural number | Set 1

Difficulty Level : EasyLast Updated : 12 Oct, 2020

Given a natural number n, print all distinct divisors of it.


Input : n = 10 Output: 1 2 5 10 Input: n = 100 Output: 1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50 100 Input: n = 125 Output: 1 5 25 125

gahmer033: bro full answer snd
gahmer033: in program
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