English, asked by sudiproul112, 5 days ago

write a good essay on the topic Ailing planet .with 500 words.


Answered by kashishparmaristhere


Today our scientists are going too deep into the solutions of the problems based on the topic environment. Now the problems caused by deforestation had reduced a huge amount because of the reduction in the usage of firewood. In our chapter nani pakhiwala describe about the problems which will cause in future due to exploitation of nature.

Now in 2009 we are facing a lot of problems disasters etc… due to over exploitation of the natural resources. I am going to explain a lot about the problems forming and will going to form. We are facing so many problems; even then we are trying to solve them.

Global warming is one of the top problems faced by our world. We were studying about this global warming from 4th standard itself. The whole earth is under threat because of this global warming. What is the cause of it? The pollution made by the man kind is the main reason for global warming.

The carbon dioxide produced by vehicles, fire wood etc…. and reaction of carbon contents and combustion of plastics etc….Since carbon dioxide is less dense than air, it covers the top most portion of the atmosphere. The heat radiation from the sun reaches earth and reflects back the excess of heat by earth’s crust. This layer of carbon dioxide does not allow heat energy to escape from the earth’s atmosphere which results in rise of temperature irresistibly. Then the aftereffects are skin burns, water drought, drying of plants and dehydration. As an inference it is due to high air pollution.

What can we do for solving this? This is the question which makes us think of the future. Here we are showing you the steps to be taken and already took by various institutions. First of all we have stop polluting air. Use biodegradable products instead of today’s plastics other artificial polymers like polythene. Check pollution stats of your vehicle frequently. Reduce the use of fuel like gasoline, ethanol, petrol, diesel etc…. and use fuels like hydrogen, electricity, LPG, marsh gas etc. stop cutting up of woods, Let’s start afforestation. Now it is time to make up decision.

Our Earth is a living organism–an enormous being, of which we are parts. This is our planet, its destruction will make us all homeless. We are dependent on Earth and not the other way round. However, the thankless creature,man, is unconcerned about the dangers that pose threats to our survival. The article by Nani Palkhivala deals with the concerns of the environmentalists at this eleventh hour and talks about the new awareness that has dawned upon our race. A holistic and ecological view of the world has been brought into consideration. The Green Movement launched in 1972 has never looked back. There is a growing need of sustainable development, which was popularised by World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987.


Hope it helps you

Mark as brainliest

Answered by Kritika25675


A rectangular prism is a 3D figure with 6 rectangular faces. To find the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply its 3 dimensions: length x width x height. The volume is expressed in cubic units.

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