Computer Science, asked by tanyavarshney231, 3 months ago

Write a java program to accept a string word as input, swap the first and last letter of the word and print the original and new word.


Answered by bbee2buzz

Write a Java Program to Swap first and last character of words in a Sentence as mentioned in the example?


Input : geeks for geeks

Output :seekg rof seekg

Approach:As mentioned in the example we have to replace first and last character of word and keep rest of the alphabets as it is.

First we will create an Char array of given String by using toCharArray() method.

Now we iterate the char array by using for loop.

In for loop, we declare a variable whose value is dependent on i.

Whenever we found an alphabet we increase the value of i and whenever we reach at space, we are going to perform swapping between first and last character of the word which is previous of space.

class SwapFirstLastCharacters {

   static String count(String str)


       // Create an equivalent char array

       // of given string

       char[] ch = str.toCharArray();

       for (int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {


           // k stores index of first character

           // and i is going to store index of last  

           // character.  

           int k = i;

           while (i < ch.length && ch[i] != ' ')  



           // Swapping

           char temp = ch[k];

           ch[k] = ch[i - 1];

           ch[i - 1] = temp;


           // We assume that there is only one space

           // between two words.


       return new String(ch);


   public static void main(String[] args)


       String str = "geeks for geeks";




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