English, asked by nikhilrathour, 1 year ago

Write a letter on dear bapu you inspired me in 500words


Answered by Nikki57
Bhatinda city,
Krishna colony,
Punjab state.

Date- 23/8/17

Dear Bapu,

Great people are one in lakhs and so were you Bapu. Great people like you are born once in thousand years and dies after doing a lot to the country, to the people and they form a ever living personality of themselves in the world, in the heart of people. You were apart from all those crowd of people who were normal, you were special, you made your name in everyone heart and your inspirations are forever settled in everyone heart.

What I can say about your kindness and your love for a country! My one of the role model and inspiration is none other than you . You not only inspired me , you inspires, inspiring, and will keep on inspiring people with your works and quotes, though you are not alive in this world but you are forever alive in each Indian people heart.

War is not a solution to every problem, said by you, it's true, wars are not solutions to every problem. You made me inspired by making me determined to always move to the right path and solving problems, fights, and difficulties with peace. We all will carry this idea in every field of life, as this skill of being peaceful and doing works wisely in difficult situations is needed in every part of our life as it makes our character more sensible and we become one of the likes of people. I believe that your ideas will be a mindset for everyone and everyone will effectively use your ideas in their life.

It would be great if I would be able to meet you once in my life and if they would be possible I am sure that day would be a great day of my life.You are the father of our nation, your photo is not in currency notes like that only, you were special and unique that's why it's there. You selflessly contributed to the people, you made them feel proud of their country.

The movements started by you were very effective and made our India proud, you made us realise that one should be happy with what they have, one should respect ones country heritage, countries culture and country things. Foreign materials aren't as good as we have.

You fled the Britishers from India by non-violence which is one of the successful thing you have done. Children even loved you for your kindness and the love you gave to everyone.

The famous quote by you-

"The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"

You made us realise that mistakes happen from everyone, but the strong is one who forgives not punish, punishment can never make anyone accept his mistake, but the kind words will make. One should be wise enough to forgive one who commits mistake.

You also said that we should serve everyone selflessly without caring of the price. We should be happy that we are helping others, price doesn't matters, good deeds are more than anything.Also , it is said by you , that work hard as you will live forever, that means, that we should work hard without caring of future, we don't know when we will die, but we should serve others as we will live forever so our name is forever alive. There are many other things you inspired me with. Can't tell more in words.

At last I would thank you for your works and inspirations. You were alive , you are alive, and you will be alive.

An Indian.

Answered by DiyaDebeshee
Dear Bapu,
today we are living luxirously and prosperously.our india has change due to some of your great works and deeds that we are following now to progess more in our life.
Education opportunities have increased and now more and more people choose to study in universities abroad. These are positive things that we feel are definitely positive things to see in life and your useful efforts to free India without bloodshed have not been wasted. I actually get weird power when I see how you can stand without your talk and what you can achieve at the end.
Even in life, if we can follow the same attitude and determination, then it is difficult to do any work in fulfilling the task during this time of time and disturbance, when someone is focusing on himself, then your example encourages me to stand up for a good reason and to become the voice of speech and speech. Bapu, most of your simplicity helped me to think that you can choose a prosperous career as a barrister, but you chose to live a simple life which was using great self-control. . I wish I could get a small percentage of that too.With the high level of Western influence, our young people are turning into a wonderful lifestyle and abandoning great values ​​which our ancestors and leaders have tried to create among the youth. I believe our generation is not at the mouth of the West and focuses more on self-realization. Bapu, you have promoted non-violence in all your life and ultimately you non-violence gave us freedom, but in the present scenario, killing and bloodshed have become a common problem. Except for the life of a person, everything is a value. Youth is a cause of worry for everyone to go astray and adopt terrorism.
Only innocent people are changing the violence due to some enslaved people. And there is no living example for them to imitate or, if they are, they are inactive and trivial. I take a great education from this incident when a mother came to ask you for help because her son had eaten many jugs.
You were waiting to tell the boy to leave that habit for fifteen days, because you wanted to stop eating the goose before you asked the boy to do this. I believe we have more people around today who can incorporate your qualities and motivate the children to make this world a better place.
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