Write a letter to Bapu Conveying
your contribution to swatcha
Maneesh Garg
.Ioint Secretary (SSII)
Dear S l"tg
Kindly refer to this Department's letter of even no. dated 24s July 2019 regarding
cbserving of Swachhata Pakhwada. 2019 from l" to l5th September, 2019.
2. In the aforesaid letter, a calendar of activities was suggested for observing Swachhata
Pakhwada, 2019 in a befitting manner. Your StatefuT would have finalized the action plan
lor observing Swachhata Pakhwadq 2019 in all schools and educational institutions, which
may kindly be shared with this Department.
3. In the meantime. the Department of Drinking Water & Saniration (DDWS), the nodal
Department for Swachhata Pakhwada, has requested this Department to observe Swachhata
Hi Seva (SHS) 2019 from llth Seotember to 2nd October 2019. and has suggested the
lollowing activities to be undertaken:
(i) To organize competition among school children on letter writing for two categories
(Category I: Class III to V and Category 2: Class VI to Xll) based on the theme,
"Letter to Bapu". conveying the child's contribution to Swachhata and also making
his/her commitment for future, a befitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his l50th
birth anniversary. The entries should be made on an 44 sheet and should not exceed
150 words.
Accordingly, the students in above two categories may wholeheartedly participate in
the letter-writing competition on the theme .f,etter to Bapu' preferably on l3th
September, 2019. The top 6 entries (3 for each category) may,be selected StateruT-
wise after due assessment and evaluation at different levels and sent to this
Department by 8 P.M., 17rh September,2019 positively by uploading the scanned
copy ofthe selected entries on the Google Drive/Tracker as mentioned below.
(ii) lt is requested to provide this Department a minimum of 5 High resolution videos of 2
to 3 minutes on the SHS activities undertaken on llth September, 2019. through
Google Drive by lSth September 2019 positively.
with regards