Write a letter to collector on role of society in preventing environmental pollution
The Editor
Journal Newspaper,
Respected Sir,
I would like to bring your attention towards the increase in the number of private vehicles coupled with the lack of civic sense, which has lead to increase in environmental pollution.
Public transport is beneficial to control the traffic as well as to limit the pollution. More vehicles means more pollution, more traffic and more global warming as well
I would like to use this platform to raise this awareness. I hope this small piece of advise will find some place in your newspaper and people would think to shift back to public transport.
Letter to collector on role of society in preventing environmental pollution:
6 January 2020
Shirish Mehta
13 A New India Colony
New Delhi 110011
The Collector, Delhi City
8/16, Sham Nath Marg
New Delhi 110054
Dear Sir
Sub: Role of Society in Preventing Environmental Pollution
This is to bring to your notice the rapid increase in Delhi’s pollution levels day by day. We are all aware that the air quality in New Delhi is the worst of any major city in the world. However being a part of this society we fail to contribute in many ways to bring the pollution level down. As a society we can adopt several measures that would help reduce as well as prevent environmental pollution.
Everyone is an interested stakeholder, as we all live on this one and only mother earth. That individual can help promote measures to mitigate environmental pollution. Environmental protection ensures that the world will be safer for future generations, taking care of our land and ultimately for us. Preventing pollution from beginning in any region, i.e. on air, water or land can be an initial and simplest preventive solution. It calls for an effort of care in order to adopt good people's practices or habits, to adopt appropriate government legislation and to ensure that potential industrial pollutants comply with it properly.
Through self-learning and through good and healthy activities, everyone can improve. It is also necessary for us to help increase understanding of the importance and the dire consequences of environmental problems and what can be done. A person's action or inaction in relation to him or her environment influences the environment whether it is positive, favorable or bad. Nature provides for our needs already. All that we do returns to us. It'll be nice to us too if we are mates of the world. We choose to be part of the solution by becoming conscious and doing the right thing. Life is breathing. We know we'll survive for a few days without food, without water, but we're going to die in a matter of minutes without oxygen. Our oxygen and our climate help us. So, today and every day, let's give everybody a wonderful day. Let the earth get cleaner air. Support to emissions control
Yours Sincerely
Shirish Mehta
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