English, asked by ghbindu2003, 4 months ago

Write a letter to editor of a local newspaper, suggesting that news items of national and global significance should be given greater importance than celebrity gossip and news of sensational nature


Answered by sanjayshinde290581


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Answered by XxitsmrseenuxX


19 – A

Green Park


March 1, 2020

The Editor

Global Newspaper


Subject: Media should be more responsible


I am exceedingly hurt at the media, particularly the news channels, which bring to limelight and focus trivial matters such as celebrity gossip, popular videos form across the nation and world.  

People of the country need to be made aware of many crucial things going on in the country; people need to be made aware about certain anti-national campaigns and activities going on in the country. The media should bring to light these anti national forces.  

The nation needs people’s support and contributions in achieving goals of prosperity, economic growth, and national defense; the media should give priority to issues of national and global significance, not mere trivialities. I appeal to the Government and regulatory authorities to look into it and introduce some measures in this regard.  

Yours truly,


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