Write a letter to mayor of your municipality requesting him to launch effective measures to control drug addiction.
1. Schools and drug abuse prevention
What is drug abuse prevention?
“Drug abuse prevention“ is a commonly used term, but what does it really
mean? And what does it mean to schools? “Drug prevention“ or “drug
abuse prevention“ has three main components:
Demand reduction strategies
These strategies aim to reduce the desire and willingness to obtain and
use drugs and to prevent, reduce or delay the uptake of drug use. They
may include abstinence-oriented strategies.
Supply reduction strategies
These strategies aim to disrupt the production and supply of illicit
drugs, as well as limit the access and availability of licit drugs in
certain contexts. In the school setting this includes measures taken to
limit the use, possession and sale of illicit drugs on school premises.
Strategies to mitigate the negative health and social consequences
of drug use
These strategies aim to reduce the impact of drug use and drug-related
activities on individuals and communities.
The role of the school in drug abuse prevention
It is possible, and desirable, for schools to be concerned with drug
demand reduction, drug supply reduction and mitigating the health and
social consequences of drug use, with the major focus on demand reduction.
However, education authorities should not accept sole responsibility for
changing student health behaviours, including reducing drug use.
Schools may well be able to influence drug use behaviour and it is hoped
that they will do so. However, it is the primary role of the school to teach
skills, to impart knowledge and to establish a sound values base in relation
to health and drug use, not to change behaviours that may be determined by beyond the influence of the school