write a letter to principal asking him for three days leave to visit relative.
Writing an Application for Leave of Absence
The Principal/Headmaster/Class Teacher
(School name and address)
Subject: Application for leave of absence.
I am (your name), student of class (Your class and division). With due respect, I would like to inform you that I could not attend school from xx-xx to xx-xx-xx (mention the period you were absent) due to high fever / cold / stomachache / headache / viral infection. I am enclosing doctor's note for your perusal and record.
Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me a leave of absence for those days.
Yours obediently
(Your name)
Class - (standard and division)
Roll No: (your roll no.)
The Principal/Headmaster/Class Teacher
(Sch.ool name and address)
..ject: ApSch..ooln for leave of absence.
I am (your name), student of class (Your class. and di.vision). With .due respect, I would like to inform you that I co.uld not at..tend school from xx to xx (mention the period you were absent) due to high fever / cold / stomachache / headache / viral infe.ction. I am enclo.sing doctor's note for your perusal and record.
Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me a leave of absence for those days.
Yours obediently
(Your name)
Class - (stand.ard and division)
Roll No: (your ro.ll no.)