Write a letter to the chairman of sport commission on how to improve athletics.
more teachers
more sports athletics centers
Delhi Public School
538K/1454 New Delhi
7 August 2022
The District Sports Officer
Sports Department
New Delhi
Subject - Request to improve athletics
I'm writing to you, a respectable individual, to draw your attention to the dearth of sporting facilities in our community. In our country, every year take part in athletics but can bag one or two medals only. Many things may be done to raise the level of sports in India, increase the number of Olympic medals won there, and more importantly, establish a culture of fitness there. Here are some suggestions for doing that everyone in the nation should be required to jog, run, or walk for at least fifteen minutes each morning. Even something that simple can have a huge impact. Getting your basic core fit through jogging is crucial if you want to be able to participate in sports. Integrating sports as a target for schools to work toward is the best method to grow them at the grassroots level. The infrastructure and the organized group of kids using it that schools have is an invaluable combination. Many schools have at least a basketball court, and most have an open field. Additionally, they can devote a few hours each week to sports for the kids. Sports in schools are anticipated to be treated more seriously at the school level, allowing for the development of youthful talent, by the upcoming five-year plan. Additionally, programs like "marks for sports" spring to mind. In schools, there is a vast amount of untapped potential that needs to be realized.
Please look into the matter and take the necessary steps.