Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.
Letter to the editor of a newspaper about reckless or rash driving
Examination Hall,
August 29,2011.
The editor
"The dawn",Lahore
Now a days there is a great increase in the road accidents.They are a great danger for the public and a threat to life and property. The government should take strict action against it for the safety of the public.
The main reason of the accidents is narrow roads and fast and rash driving. The buses and wagons start a race on the roads. The drivers over take one another on risky turns and thus cause horrible accidents. In this way they become a cause for the death of innocent peoples.
The traffic police should keep a watch over the speed limit of the vehicles. There must be check posts and surprise raids. The licenses of rash drivers should be canceled and they must be fined at the spot.The passengers should also co operate with the government. The should not only refuse to travel in such buses but also repast the traffic police.
Your truly,
71st Cross street
The Editor
The Hindu
November 21, 2019
Sub: Reckless driving and safety measures
Tem writing to your esteemed self to express
my deep concern over the alarmingly increasing
road rage on the roads our sky wangon
Countries accidents every day. Road Accident
Slatistics India has confirmed 124 road
accidents every day In India. 20 children in the
age group 3 to 14 lose their lives every day due
to these accidents.
The number of cars and other vehicles as
ton constantly on the rise. The recent survey
on maximum number of Car ownership has
confirmed the maximum number of cars and
bikes in our city. The most worry causing napect
a the parents allowing tel mind immature
children to drive high-end vehicles on roads
They do maximum Accidents. Apart from this, the traffic police appear to be lazily Indifferent to the problem of road rage.
Onen the jumping of red light condoned
Even after being caught red handed the culprits
are nat punished because of their political
connections. If immediate counselor treasures are
not taken, the city kids will become veritable
killar road.
The traffic police must act proactively. There should be strict actions against minors and nil those who are involved in reckless driving The parents must also be cautious in allowing thell minor children to drive on roads. I appeal to the concerned authorities through the medium of your esteemEd columns to look into the issue and do the needful
Yours truly.