write a letter to the editor of an english daily expressing your concern for the excess causes of dengue near kolkata andit surroundings for last two monthes
Date: 19.11.19
The Editor,
Times of India,
Dear Sir,
Sub: Increase in cases of Dengue fever for the last two months.
I am residing in the andit area of Kolkata. In our area, the problem of dengue is fever is very high. Day by the the number of cases of Dengue fever are increasing drastically. Many hospitals in and around our area are refusing to admit the patients due to shortage of beds and facilities.
The main reasons for this dengue fever is unhygenic conditions in our area, increase of mosquitoes and stagnation of water at many places. It is request to highlight these causes and present status of our area in your magazine. I wish that some appropriate action will be taken and the fever cases may be reduced.
Thanking you sir,
Yours sincerely,