Write a letter to the editor of Hindustan times suggesting children appearing for boards to join a laughter club to combat anxiety an depression
Answered by
Examination Hall
ABC City
16 February 2017
The Editor
Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Subject: Laugh and keep the stress at bay
Dear Sir
As the dates of their board examination approach closer, different students react differently. Some are able to take the challenge in a right spirit, but some of them show symptoms of anxiety and depression. Advice from all - parents, teachers and seniors - confuses them and they lose their calm.
During such crucial time, it is not advisable to give in to the pressure. The best way to combat this pressure is to laugh. Laughter is said to be the best medicine. It relaxes our body and relieves both, physical and mental tension. A hearty laugh decreases stress hormones and increased immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving resistance to diseases. Laughter is a positive energy which helps to connect with people quickly and improves relationships. Laughing attracts many friends and keeps you from unnecessary brooding over the fear and tension of approaching exams.
Through this letter, I want to request all my batchmates all over to the country to keep laughing and keep learning for their board examination. I shall be highly obliged if my letter finds a space in your prestigious column to reach all aspirants of the oncoming board exams.
Thank you
Yours truly
ABC City
16 February 2017
The Editor
Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Subject: Laugh and keep the stress at bay
Dear Sir
As the dates of their board examination approach closer, different students react differently. Some are able to take the challenge in a right spirit, but some of them show symptoms of anxiety and depression. Advice from all - parents, teachers and seniors - confuses them and they lose their calm.
During such crucial time, it is not advisable to give in to the pressure. The best way to combat this pressure is to laugh. Laughter is said to be the best medicine. It relaxes our body and relieves both, physical and mental tension. A hearty laugh decreases stress hormones and increased immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving resistance to diseases. Laughter is a positive energy which helps to connect with people quickly and improves relationships. Laughing attracts many friends and keeps you from unnecessary brooding over the fear and tension of approaching exams.
Through this letter, I want to request all my batchmates all over to the country to keep laughing and keep learning for their board examination. I shall be highly obliged if my letter finds a space in your prestigious column to reach all aspirants of the oncoming board exams.
Thank you
Yours truly
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