Write a letter to the editor on newspaper expressing your views on smoking in running buses and at a public place . You are madhuri / shagun living at 156 sector no 14 at panipat
156 sector
no 14
6 July 2020
The Editor
The Times of India
Subject: expressing my views on smoking in running buses and in a public place.
Through the columns of your popular newspaper, I would like to express my views on smoking in running buses and in a public place. Nowadays more number of vehicles are on the road. There is more smoke released from vehicles. Even people used to smoke also. This causes air pollution and affects the environment.
The smoke gets mixed with the rain and the rain become acid rain which is more dangerous. When the acid rainfall in the skin, it may cause skin cancer. The acid rain will destroy the crops and finish the fertility of soil slowly. There will be ecological imbalance slowly.
The step must take. People should be aware of it. I will remain thankful if my article finds a suitable place at the corner of your newspaper to aware of the people.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Formal letter writing
The format of a formal letter is:
1. from address
2. date
3. to address
4. subject
5. respected sir/madam
6. body of the letter
7. Yours sincerely
8. thanking you
9. name and signature
sector 14
15th July 2022
The Editor,
The Hindu
subject: smoking in running buses and at a public place
Respected Sir,
I'm a fellow citizen of Kolkata's beautiful cultural city and a regular reader of your esteemed daily. My motivation for writing this letter today is the major cause of smoking in public places in our community.
In our city, I live next to a very busy road, and our neighbourhood is one of the most congested. Naturally, the pollution level in our area is higher than in many other areas. In addition, just outside our door is a small tea shop that is constantly crowded with people drinking tea and smoking. When we leave our house, the area is filled with smoke, and this smoke occasionally makes its way to our balcony.We asked the tea shop owner to stop smoking in front of the shop and tried several warnings, but nothing worked.
So, it is my sincere request that you highlight my issue and make people aware that they not only harm themselves but also others when they smoke.
Yours Sincerely,