write a letter to the health department informing them regarding people violation property measures in festival shopping during this pandemic covid-19
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Protecting the safety of our workers is a leading priority of unions. Healthcare providers and other healthcare staff cannot provide competent and quality care if their own safety is not ensured. The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 brings these concerns to the fore.There is a decided lack of certainty around the means of transmission of the COVID-19 virus. While conventional thinking has it that transmission is by means of touch, several studies suggest that these types of viruses can be aerosolized through coughing and sneezing. If this is the case, or if it is unclear whether this is the case, we must protect our health providers who interact with suspected COVID-19 patients with NIOSH-approved, fit-tested N95 respirator masks. The N95 respirator is designed to protect against 95% of airborne particulates free of oil when tested against a 0.3-micron particle.We are aware that there are regular discussions among stakeholders in this province regarding our pandemic response plan. We believe that representatives from the major healthcare unions in the province should be involved in these discussions to ensure the voice of frontline workers is not lost. There are important issues to consider, including quarantine plans and locations, the availability of negative pressure rooms within facilities, supply and fit-testing for N95 respirators, and the treatment of residents and clients in long-term care, homecare and elsewhere.Thank you for listening to our concerns. In summary, we request that health workers have available fit-tested, N95 respirators when in contact with patients who may have COVID-19. Further, we request to be included in the ongoing pandemic-preparedness discussions being undertaken by stakeholders in the province.