Economy, asked by ayushchatterjee, 11 months ago

write a letter to the municipal Corporation
Complaining about the dumping y garbages
on a read close to
Mention about the problems caused and
request him that the rubbish be cleared


Answered by anukriti52

DATE: 25 September 2012 T o, The Officer In charge, [ADDRESS OF THE CONCERNED PERSON] Sir, Sub- Request for cleaning Garbage, grass and mud waste at near my quarter/house [X]. Respectfully We want to say that grass and mud waste and other garbage have been accumulated near my quarter/house area roadside. It has become very much unsafe because of snakes ; that has been noticed many times. Also it is looking very dirty and uncomfortable. The sketch of the areas that need cleaning attached with this application. I , therefore, request you to kindly arrange for required cleaning and oblige. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully [XXX] [DETAIL CONTACT] [OFFICE/ORGANISATION]

Answered by smithfashionbkp


I am not writing the address and etc I am starting with the letter hope u like


Dear Municipal corporation.....(in which state u are living and city and area) my name is RAJ (for example) I have written this letter to tell u that near my house there are many people who are throwing garbage which is creating a lot if problem to us any people around us and in this situation fish should stay clean our area should be clean but this is all happening so it is my request that u may clear this garbage immmediatly


Raj Shah

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