English, asked by kumarvivek1220, 1 month ago

Write a letter to the vinod book stall kankavli an order the books you wont and give a list of books


Answered by nehaj2612



The Shop Manager,

__________ (Name of the shop),

__________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)


____________ (Name),

____________ (Address)

Subject: Order Placement for the books

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to bring in your notice, that I am ________ (Name) and I live at _________ (Address).I want to place an order for __________ (Name of the books with quantity). I can pay through ___________ (Online payments/cash on delivery/bank transfer/others). Please let me know when and how the deliveries of the books will be made also if these books are available in your store?

My residential address is ___________ (Address) and same would be for delivery of the books. My contact number is ___________ (Number).

Please let me know at the earliest regarding the mentioned books.

Thanking You,

Yours _________ (Sincerely/Thankfully),

___________ (Name),___________ (Contact Number)


I hope it helps you!

Answered by samrita84


So we are providing letter for placing an order for Books and many more like ... In the present time letter for placing and letter for ... M/s Punjab Book Depot.

  • Sir I want these books in their latest addition and in original print. And do check all pages are present or not. I am your regular customer so apply proper discount on the order and please attach the bill along the order and payment will be done within 2 days of receiving of order.
  • Letter Of Placing Order Class 10 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples. Order letters are written to assign orders for goods or items They are written in a very well formatted and specific manner. They are quite common and are written on daily basis. The language of the letter is very formal.
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