write a letter to this

Section Engineer Karnataka Electricity Board
Karnataka Electricity Board Office
Building No.34,ground floor
Karnataka 788223
Respected Sir,
Subject: Power failure is a great issue
Sir ,we the people of Karnataka Ramanagar (city) are facing
power failure from many days and it became a great issue
because we don't get regular water ,power , and most of the
time the city stay dark due to power cut so sir please take
some necessary step to solve our problems.
Thanking you
Yours Truly
Poepole of Karnataka Ramanagar.
Question :
Power failure is a major problem faced by your city . Write a letter of complaint to the Section Engineer of Karnataka Electricity Board
Road Number 21
RC Nagar Colony
14 August 2021
Section Engineer of Karnataka Electricity Board
Karnataka Electricity Board Office
Building number 28 ,2nd floor
Subject : Regarding frequent breakdown of electricity
Respected sir/ma'am
Since there are frequent power outages in our city , I have decided to draw the attention of the authorities concerned regarding the issue. People of this city are facing great difficulties because of frequent breakdown of electricity. The result of uncertain breakdown of electricity can be seen water supply as the water supply and electricity supply are interconnected. So the people are facing water issues too because of regular breakdown of electricity from 2 months.
In this pandemic time it is even very hard for students to attend their online classes due to this issue. They are missing there important classes , notes and important topics due to this. They are unable to plan their studies. They even suffer from mood problems this all will affect them directly in their examination.
Since in this pandemic time most of the employees are doing work from home the shortage of power is also effecting them in any or the other way. Since there is no power the thieves are getting more chances of stealing the people in this city . So the people are having the fear of being theft. The patients in various hospitals would also be facing major problems as operations cannot be done on time which increases the chances of disease spreading.
Hence I request the concerned authorities to take the necessary actions regarding this issue as soon as possible so that the people wouldn't face difficulties anymore.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
Complaint Letter :
This is an official( formal ) letter sent to the concerned authorities regarding the issue which is related to their board. The tone is kept direct and accurate. The following is the format of the Order letter:
- Senders Address
- Date
- Receivers Address
- Subject
- Salutation
- Content ( Body )
- Complimentary Close
- Designation