English, asked by chshahroz8815, 11 months ago

Write a letter to your cousin about your gole and how to achive your gole


Answered by Atif8056
 Researchers have further revealed that persons who have high hopesare more likely to cope better with physical pain or life’s many frustrations. They also tend to be happier and more satisfied.

Building on the work of mental health professionals, who, from as early as the 1950’s begun realizing the key role hope played in the achievement of dreams, some creative, smart executive coaches developed the Hope Letter. When we write down our hopes and dreams…when we write down the ways and means we shall achieve them, we, in fact, become more successful in making them come true. This hope letter has been used among these executive coaches’ clients and have been known to work. Here then are the easy-to-follow, step by step guide on making one:

Put it down on paper. Write a letter addressed to yourself. Date it precisely one year into the future.

Don’t put a limit on yourself.Take the time to imagine what the scenario will be if you achieved or accomplished all your goals. Take into consideration your job and career, your health and finances, your love-life, family and friends, fun and personal growth. Prompt yourself with “What do I hope to have accomplished this time in 2017?”

You’ll need to be accountable for this. When you’re done with the letter, give it to a close friend, your wife or special girl, your coach or colleague and ask him/her to mail it back to you, one year from the date you wrote it.

You can also send a digital letter on www.futureme.org, program it so you will receive it in one year! 

Do this. When you get your letter back, you’ll be amazed at the number of things you shall have achieved, the reason being … when you set and write down your intentions, …your ways and methods of achieving them … your actions will naturally follow. Are all your goals … things you want to happen … do they happen, are they achieved? Not usually, but many do get realized. So, celebrate what you do achieve and learn from what you don’t and then write yourself another hope letter for the year 

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